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New Year Resolutions... Differently.

As the year rolls in, many of us revisit resolutions from past Januarys. Those gym memberships, strict diets, and organizing schemes typically focus on acquiring more or striving for an ideal. But instead of chasing "stuff," why not shift our focus to creating lasting memories, investing in personal growth, and embracing experiences?

As I get older, I understand better how we can reshape our New Year's resolutions to prioritize what truly matters. It could be self awareness, personal development, health or travel. Life isn't getting longer though, and I want to make the most of what I have left!

What comes to mind when you think of your fondest memory? Is it linked to a material object, or is it an experience that remains with you? Most cherished memories stem from shared experiences with family and friends—think of a spontaneous road trip, a long-awaited family reunion, or simply watching a sunset together.

Instead of acquiring more items, consider channeling your resources—be it time, money, or energy—into memorable experiences. You don't need entire days for this, just moments. I don't know about you, but some of my own very precious memories are from my family playing a board game. Have you ever played Pictionary? My brother tried to act out a volcano. We guessed water fountain, leaky tap, meditation... you get it... good times and priceless memories.

Recently I came across an article that said people often derive more satisfaction from experiences than from possessions. In fact, 75% of participants reported feeling happier when they spent money on experiences rather than material goods. I rest my case! :)

Invest in Yourself—Growth Beyond the Material

Investing in yourself encompasses more than just achievements or gadgets. Self-investment can take many forms, like enrolling in a cooking class, learning a new language, going for a play or concert, or discovering a new hobby.

Ask yourself: What new skills do you want to gain this year? Perhaps you want to learn how to cook healthier meals, start a small vegetable garden, or learn to play the guitar. There is a sense of pride and confidence that comes from mastering, or even just making an effort towards learning something different and new. It's a sense of acomplishment that material things just can't offer.

Dedicate specific time each week just for you—perhaps a yoga class, an online art course, take long walks, lie down on your back and find those shapes in the clouds. Did you do this as a child? Love it! Or maybe you'll choose to just enjoy some quiet moments with a book. Not just you, but those around you will also benefit from this. Trust me. It works!

Life is full of uncertainty. While it’s easy to cling to comfort, taking the plunge into the unknown can lead to extraordinary experiences.

Sign up for that pottery class you've had on your mind or plan a trip to that intriguing city you've always wanted to explore. Embracing spontaneous adventures can open up a world filled with possibilities. And I have some stories about this, but I'll save them for another day!

Challenge yourself to say "yes" more often to invitations and new experiences. Studies show that stepping outside one’s comfort zone increases happiness levels. The more you venture into unknown territories, the richer your life experiences will become.

The value of connections

Amid a society that pushes us to consume, I find that I'm lost without the relationships I have nurtured. I enjoy hearing stories of others adventures in life, of sharing their joys, inviting friends over for potluck dinners, hosting movie marathons, or planning trips that don't revolve around shopping. These experiences are deeply joyful.

Centering myself

Again, as I grow older, I find that the world has too much stimulus for me. More material goods, higher performance goals, increased responsibilities, a need to achieve more, be better at; the list is endless. To sit down for a few minutes and meditate or give my body some time to destress with yoga is worth a milliion dollars.

Mindfulness can be an excellent tool for recalling your experiences too. You could take time to reflect each week and jot down moments that made you smile. A simple gratitude journal can help you understand the significance of experiences over material belongings.

Invest in the Intangible

As the new year begins, contemplate redefining your resolutions. Focus on creating memories, investing in personal growth, and embracing experiences over tangible goods. This year has the potential to be filled with unforgettable moments, self-discovery, and deep connections.

Remember, the real essence of life is found in our connections, the experiences we embrace, and the growth we undergo. So this year, let’s commit to investing in the intangible. Cherish each moment, and savor the beauty of life beyond material things.

Let’s create a year filled with laughter, joy, and unforgettable memories!


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